
Hasbro Customer Service

This happened around June 2017. We had a problem with the Power FX pack that came with Star-Lord and we needed to contact the Hasbro Customer Service team.

However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future.

Guardians of the Galaxy, 109:06

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The Purchase and the Problem

My wife found a great deal for Star-Lord with Power FX Pack at a final day closing-down toy shop sale. They literally opened it outside the shop and continued their day. However, when I got home I found the Power FX pack was broken.

The pack only said the character-specific-phrase once on first connection to the figure. After connection, every subsequent button press only made the random clashing noises. The pack should say phrases of whatever figure it’s connected to every time the button is pressed.

Hasbro Customer Services

The shop had already closed down so return or refund was not possible. There is a local distributor for these figures but they did not answer any phone calls over the 3-4 days I tried calling them at different times of the day.

Finally, as a last hail Mary, I messaged the issue to the @Hasbro Twitter account. I got an immediate Hasbro customer service response, and they raised a service ticket so we could establish email communications. As expected, we exchanged a few mails troubleshooting with the service member suggesting we try changing batteries and possibly a stuck button/connector. No luck.

I provided them details of my issues : the shop closing down, the receipt, figure serial number, no packaging (they put it in the thrash immediately…), and the local supplier was not contactable (and their contact details!).

Unfortunately with Hasbro being in US and the supplier being in a country halfway across the world, there was nothing they could do, and that was the end of that.

Now, I know it feels like all hope is lost.

Avengers: Infinity War, 76:57

However, the CS rep wrote back a couple of days later with some good news. They independently confirmed the supplier was not contactable and he got a special exception for my case.

They DHL’ed a completely new Star-Lord with Power FX Pack across the world, probably at a cost more than the figure itself.

Mike, are you there?

Mike/Hasbro CS – if you ever read this – we still play with these toys today and we greatly appreciated you going beyond the call of duty to help us. Stellar work – many thanks!

This is the figure in this story:

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